Find or Become a Packaging Mentor within Gillet
We at Gillet offer our services as a matchmaker for mentors and mentees within our network. If you’re interested in becoming a packaging mentor or mentee for the first time, it’s important to understand what the role entails.
Mentorships can take many forms, so clear communication is essential to set the right expectations. This will ensure a successful partnership, regardless of how you choose to structure it.
Here are some questions to consider and discuss together. While you are free to design your collaboration as you see fit, being clear from the start lays a solid foundation for mutual learning and helps prevent unmet expectations.
Before submitting your application (form at the bottom), read through these questions and then write a brief introduction about yourself and what you’re looking for. You don’t have to answer all the questions—write as much or as little as you like but remember, the clearer you are, the easier it will be to find a good match!
Packaging Mentor:
- What is my purpose in becoming a packaging mentor?
- Do I want to share my experience and knowledge? Am I interested in helping others grow and develop?
- How much time can I commit to mentoring?
- How many hours per month can I realistically dedicate to my mentee? Am I prepared to engage long-term?
- What experience and knowledge can I offer?
- Which specific areas am I particularly qualified to guide in? How can I best support a mentee?
- How do I rate my listening and communication skills?
- Am I good at listening and providing constructive feedback? How do I handle challenging questions and situations?
- What do I expect from my mentee?
- What level of engagement and motivation do I expect from the mentee? How important is their willingness to learn and take initiative?
- Am I ready to adapt my guidance?
- Am I willing to tailor my mentorship to the mentee’s needs and goals? How flexible is my mentoring style?
- How will I measure success?
- What does a successful mentorship look like to me? What goals would I like to achieve with my mentee?
Packaging Mentee:
- What do I hope to gain from a mentorship?
- What specific goals or challenges do I hope to address? How do I think a mentor can support my development?
- What type of packaging mentor do I need?
- Do I need guidance in a specific career path, personal development, or another area? What experience and knowledge am I seeking in a mentor?
- How much time can I dedicate to the mentorship?
- How much time am I willing and able to set aside for meetings and follow-ups? Am I prepared to engage long-term?
- How well do I handle feedback?
- Am I open to constructive criticism? How will I manage advice that might challenge my current views or methods?
- What do I expect from my mentor?
- What do I hope my mentor will provide? How important is it for me to have a mentor who is proactive or more reserved?
- Am I ready to take responsibility for my own development?
- Do I understand that the mentorship is a support system, but that I must drive my own growth? How committed am I to working towards my goals?
- How will I measure success?
- What goals do I want to achieve through the mentorship? How will I know if the mentorship has been successful?
Shared Questions:
- Am I ready for mutual learning?
- Do I understand that mentorship is not just one-way communication, but that both mentor and mentee can learn from each other?
- What are my boundaries and expectations for communication?
- How often and in what manner do I expect to communicate with my mentor/mentee? Am I clear about my boundaries and availability?
- How do I view trust and confidentiality?
- Am I ready to build a trusting and confidential relationship? How do I handle sensitive information?